Friday, November 20, 2015

Mushara Bush Camp, Saturday and Sunday, October 17 & 18

Today we started in Windhoek, Namibia and arrived at Mushara Bush Camp near Etosha Park in Northern Namibia.  The vehicle we were in for the entire Namibian portion of our trip was the modified Toyota pickup shown below.  The top can be lifted up to get us a 360° view.  Namibia is generally hotter and drier than where we were in South Africa.  It was nice to be in an air conditioned vehicle.  Vehicle capacity is 7.  There are 4 of us.  Nice!  Our unit at Mashara is shown below the safari vehicle.  Unlike the camps in SA these are fenced so we do not need escorts to get to our units at night.

We had a brief game drive that evening in the Park.
The next morning we were out looking for animals from 6:30 AM until 1:15 PM then again from 2:15 until 6:45.  Dinner is at 7:30. 

We saw hundreds of Zebra.  Looking across the plain they were spread out as far as we could see.  We also saw lots of Giraffes, Kudu, Black Faced Impalas, Springboks, and a couple dozen Elephants. 

Baby Giraffe with mom

Kudu buck


Zebra, Kudu, Impala
The coolest thing we saw was a mob of banded Mongooses.  They resemble and act a lot like Meerkats - and they performed and posed for us.

Banded Mongooses

We also saw a sleeping Black Rhino and a Cheetah mom with her two fairly mature cubs.  They were hiding in the shade and we could not go off the road (in the reserve) to get closer to them.  So, of our encounters with Cheetahs, the one in South Africa was the better one.

Cheetah with adolescent cub

We also saw an Ostrich in the distance.  Too far away to count, really.

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