Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Arathusa Friday and Saturday, October 9 & 10, 2015 (posted out of order)

     Friday PM Game drive
We started out by seeing usual suspects again including Impalas every where we turned.  We also saw Hippos, Elephants, several large male Kudus, and some Water bok.  I have not figured out what is a buck and what is a bok, so please excuse me for using the words inconsistently and sometimes incorrectly.  Maybe I will find out during our evening drive today (Saturday).  I have also pretty much lost touch with what day it is.  Writing these notes helps some.
A little background:  All the roads have "water bars".  These are like tall speed humps.  The vehicles have to slow down when they go over them to prevent launching people from the seats in the open vehicles.  Usually we go over them quite slowly.  
During our drive, after Cedric was on the radio, we headed off as though we had a mission.  It turned out to be very worthwhile.  There were two Cheetahs laying around on the berm by a water hole.  We parked about 50 feet from them and they posed nicely for us.  Although we know that chances of seeing them are much better in Namibia where we will be going next week, we had hoped - but not expected to see them here.  What a treat.  They are gorgeous.

As we were watching a large herd of Buffalo after we left the Cheetahs I saw Cedric take a call on his radio.  He seemed inspired and I knew we were on a mission when our speed increased.  We don't slow down for the water bars as much when we have a destination.  As usual we could tell we were getting close when we saw other safari vehicles.  It was a good find.  A male Leopard who was very cooperative and  photogenic.  Unfortunately by that time the sun had set and we were losing light.  What a drive. 

All of the safari vehicles have seating for 9 passengers.  Until now we have never had more than 7 and have had as few as three (just us).   For this drive and the rest of the drives we will have here we are at capacity.  But we are a congenial bunch - all from the UK and/or Victoria, BC.

     Saturday AM Game Drive
We saw most of the usual animals.  We had a glimpse of a Leopard.  We would have seen him more, but we got stuck in the sand in the river bottom.  Fortunately a safari vehicle from another lodge came to our rescue and within about a half hour was able to pull us out.  
At the waterhole by our lodge we saw a Fish Eagle, a Grey Heron, and a family of Egyptian Geese.
Again we were blocked from getting back to our room after breakfast by Elephants.  We had to get our Ranger to escort us.  I suspect you all feel very sorry for us - having problems like that.
As I am writing proofreading this a Baboon came up to the window and looked in at me.  I did not have time to get a picture of him.  He ran off very soon after our eyes met.

There was a lot of activity at the water hole by the lodge.  Various herds dripped in for a drink.  One of the interesting characters was Chris, the half grown Hippo.  As you know Hippos spend the days in the water and come out at night to graze.  Not Chris.  He is out to meet whomever might become his friend.  Here you can see he is attempting to mingle with the Cape Buffalo.  At other times he wants to spend quality time with the Elephants.  We saw him chasing Guinea Fowl one day.  You may be able to watch him live on your computer on  Select the Arathusa water hole.  There is a video camera on the pond 24/7.  The resolution isn't great, but you can see all of what goes on there if you watch long enough.  Last night (11/17) there were about a dozen Wild Dogs there.  Sometimes the Elephants completely submerge themselves.  Usually they come up wearing vegetation.  In the bottom photo you can see the trunk of a submerged Elephant grabbing the trunk of an Elephant that is still standing.  They do know how to play.

Chris with the Buffalos

Elephants play; Hippo watches
What a trip!  The Safaris in Africa are over for us on this trip.  We are headed for Victoria Falls on Monday for a couple of days.  Then we will spend two days on a boat on the Chobe River in Botswana.  I don't know when my next report will be.                                      _____________________________
For a video of what we saw while staying at Arathusa Safari Lodge click on the following image:

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